Thursday, April 18, 2013

The day we have all been waiting for...

Spring is finally here! The quad is buzzing with activity from students and insects alike. 

Unfortunately, today is the day I must present all that I observed from this spot in front of the class, but I believe I will still take the time to go to this place weekly. It is ironic- I originally chose this spot because I thought it would be interesting to see the transition phase from the cold winter months to nice days like these and if the amount of activity and littering changed. Unfortunately, the weather only began to peak this weak and my presentation does not reflect that. Focusing on the environment itself, without the distraction of the sporadic weather patterns, ended up strengthening my thesis for what I learned from sitting and observing in this spot.
 Here is a part of the quad most probably overlooked today. It is a dried out, patch of dirt. It was most likely caused by the use of excessive amounts of rock salt and being run over by the wheels of plows and people's boots all winter long.
This patch of grass is located behind the chapel. As you can see, it is quite discolored and dead. 

However, someone walking the quad today was bound to notice the return of the benches.
I believe it is a common thing to only see what you are looking for. I have a keen eye for now spotting some of the "uglier" parts of the quad because I know they exist, while others may only notice the addition of the benches and the lively atmosphere that has now engulfed the quad.

Places that you live by or visit on a daily basis may not always be the places you think they are. The school does an excellent job at showing off the "nice" parts of campus, regardless of what environmental practices are used to make these places appear to be healthy, and can hide the not so pretty. But they do not need to cover up that brown patch near the walkway or that dead splotch of grass behind the chapel because they know students do not use the quad to critique, but just for some leisurely activity when the weather is warm. As long as there is some green grass for students to lay a blanket on, the school will not be hearing complaints.

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