Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Spot

Let me first start off by explicitly stating my mission:
It was proposed by my RST 342 professor to creatively journal about a spot of your choice outside over the course of the semester. 
The goal: to discover something new about this spot- a spot that maybe you pass everyday and have never stopped to appreciate. I intend to research my location- especially since I only recently found out Canisius College was not always located at 2001 Main Street and to relate back to my audience all the new and exciting spectacles I find out about my spot. 

Today was the day I decided to begin observing my spot. My own little area in the vast wide world where I will sit and reflect at every week. It took me a while to find a spot I liked. I first envisioned picking a spot in Delaware Park, but after countless days of snow, rain, and sleet- I came to the conclusion I would not want to walk that far every week, let alone walk that far with that dry, freezing wind Buffalo is notoriously known to get this time of year. Therefore I decided to go with this spot right here. The Quad. I specifically chose this angle- my back facing Horan O'Donnell, looking  towards Loyola Hall because I will not get distracted from what is behind (as it is a building). I will purely get to capture every moment that occurs in front of my eyes. Also- I am curious to witness the traffic of students, faculty, and staff trying to reach their desired destinations as you can go four different ways on this brick road and the spot I chose to observe allows me to view all of the activity.

I like this spot because I remember when I was a freshmen the quad ignited with activity as soon as the first spring days struck. I think it would be an incredible experience to document the quad's activity up to that point. Because as you can see, the quad is not too busy this time a year. However, that does not mean I wont uncover some of the quad's winter marvels in future posts...

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